Awakened Speakers VIP Membership
for Top Performance Speaker Secrets

Get Better on Stages
with One-on-One VIP Coaching
in a Mastermind Setting

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"Being in the SPEAK community has made a difference.

I've spent 10s of 1000s of dollars on the speaking thing, and I ended up not getting what I got from you. It’s not just the message, it's also the delivery of the message."  

~Dr. Wendy Labat
The Financial Healer; Award-Winning Entrepreneur Business Strategist; Global Streaming TV Producer; Speaker Best Selling Author at The Financial Cures LLC

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With the SPEAK: Awakened Speakers VIP Membership,  
You will learn to:
  • Align your delivery with your powerful, authentic, soulful self.
  • Align your talk with your truth.
  • Align every step in your talk with your offer.

  • Structure talks to have your audiences on the edge of their seats, ready to follow you anywhere.
  • Know what to say, when, and why you need to say it to create talks that convert audiences into clients.
  • Reproduce, and implement, these fun and compelling 10 Steps to "I Want That!"
  • Always know what comes next without a powerpoint or your notes.

SPEAK - Practice and Coaching Sessions
Twice Monthly One-On-One Coaching in a Group Setting on Zoom
  • Each participant speaks for three (3) minutes and receives three (3) minutes of coaching from Susan.
  • Speaking can be anything from, "I have this question...." or "I am thinking about offering this from my talk…." to "Here is my 3-minute talk…."  
  • The community is awesome at sharing their own unique gifts and lifting each other up.
  • Time:  Wednesday mornings at 9:30 - 11:00 am Pacific weekly. 
  • Each member has the opportunity to attend each weekly meeting, and to be coached by Susan twice per month. 
  • Recordings will be available in the members Facebook group.

BONUSES: (Included with your first month of paid membership)

Fast Track to Mastering Your Message
  • Monthly 60-minute ZOOM call best utilize the 10-Steps to “I want that!” 
  • Time: Announced Monthly - recordings will be available.
"HELP! I've got a Talk coming up!" 10-Steps to "I want that!" Home Study
With this video course you will be able to reproduce and implement these fun and compelling 10-Steps to "I Want That!" and always know what comes next without your notes. You will learn how to structure your talk so that your audiences are on the edge of their seats ready to follow you anywhere. Includes a model talk where Susan pulls back the curtains and shows you how it's done. 
  • Includes Video Training for each of the 10 Steps 
  • Digital Editable Workbooks, with Fill in the Blank Outlines

SPEAK: Awakened Speakers VIP Membership, Private Facebook Group
  • Build Community with other group members
  • Post specific questions about your upcoming talks and get support from Susan and Community
  • Post Video of Your Talk and get feedback on your delivery

Awakened Speakers VIP Membership Program

$297 Today, then $297 monthly

Contact Information
Credit Card Information
Your initial payment of $297 will be for the first month's payment, then you will be billed $297 monthly.

You may cancel at any time my contacting us at [email protected].

Terms and Conditions

If you have any questions please reach out to [email protected] 
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Order Summary
NOTE: Credit Card Statements will list the company name as “Awaken To Your Calling”
What others say...
“Being in the SPEAK community has made a difference.

“Being in the SPEAK community has made a big difference in the way I present content for podcasts, events, featured articles, and literature for my brand. I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on speaking coaches and training with minimal results.

I am addicted to the weekly calls and look forward to the input and feedback from Susan and other members of the group. I share my information with them before I finalize any content that I am about to present in any upcoming platform. Her formula is working, and I'm sticking with it. My message has always been consistent, but I no longer have to depend on a PowerPoint to deliver my message. 

Dr. Wendy Labat
The Financial Healer;
The Financial Cures LLC;
Award-Winning Entrepreneur; 
Business Strategist;
Global Streaming TV Producer;
International Speaker; and Best-Selling Author.

Susan recommended that I add the “Dr. Wendy Labat sass” when I deliver my message. Since taking her advice, my audiences are more attentive, receptive, and actually hear what I have to say. They no longer sit there like students listening to a boring class lecture. People who have heard me speak before working with Susan have complimented me on my new “sassy” delivery. 

Susan’s speaking formula has been working for me and others in our group. We see the growth and development in each other each week by implementing Susan’s formula and recommendations in our presentations. Thank you, Susan, for making me a better and more effective speaker!!”

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I love the SPEAK community. We are here to elevate the planet and contribute to the conversation that helps people achieve that next level spiritually, physically, and financially. Within a few months in the SPEAK program, I saw greater audience engagement and conversions plus I was invited to give keynote speeches.

~Victoria Hepburn, Author, Coach, Strategist

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Working with Susan has brought immediate clarity and courage to many of the business affairs I have been struggling with. We should never be above bringing in outside help, and there is no one with sharper eyes and senses than Susan.

~ Chris Cirak, Branding Guru, Serial Entrepreneur, Author of “Be You”

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